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Our beautiful bags are handmade from 100% upcycled fabric, and crocheted with love.

Do your part to save the planet! Upcycling helps lessen the amount of waste going into landfills. Upcycling helps reduce CO2 emissions by using old materials instead of new ones. In fact, for every ton of discarded textiles used again, 20 tons of CO2 is prevented from entering the atmosphere.
These bags are strong and durable. They are built to last. By investing in a product that can withstand lots of use and love, you are moving out of a disposable society and into a sustainable one.

Savasana Yoga Mat Bags are unique and beautiful, they are also loaded with good karma. 20% of all the proceeds are donated to charity!! 


On any order of $100 or more

Savasana is a manufacturer and distributor of handcrafted custom yoga mat bags made from 100% recycled materials.

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